Working Girl Rules: D.T.C.

I have something to admit....I'm a bit like a mobster.  I know this might seem like a shocking statement but stay with me for a minute. 

I have to start out by telling you I've always been fascinated with the mob for years and to that end have watched Goodfellas, The GodFather Trilogy, Scarface, The Untouchables, and Donnie Brasco too many times to count.  I live for AMC's Mob Week and never miss an episode of Mob Wives.

I think a lot of people are drawn to the mob and fascinated by it for various reasons.  For me I have always found the loyalty aspect of the mob to be the most interesting part of them.  While they may do other things that aren't very ethical they never lack for loyalty.

I got to thinking about all of this because the other day I told someone "That person is D.T.C."  and their response was "What the hell does that mean?"  and my response was "Dead to Caroline!" 

The person then commented that I was just like the mob!  Haha.  I took it as a compliment.  The person in question has proven not to be trustworthy and the accurate and appropriate thing for me to do was to cut them off.....I just have a colorful way of putting it. :)

This is going to happen in business where you figure out that someone is talking behind your back, repeating something they shouldn't have in general provem to not be a good business partner.  This can be tricky for a number of reasons but I literally have a list of people that I don't mess with and they are D.T.C. (dead to Caroline).  It's a bit of an office joke now but I don't mind because it let's people now I mean business. 

D.T.C.  doesn't necessarily mean I don't or won't talk to you it just means I've figured you out and from now I will be watching my back around you.  I think that some people would be surprised, even shocked, to know they are D.T.C. because I hide it fairly well. 

To give you an example there is a certain group of folks that I work with loosely and would see socially on occasion.   Each time I was with one of them, they would say "please, please don't say anything but....." and then proceed to talk smack about the other people in their group.  After a while I got sick of it!  I don't want to break bread with you to spend the whole time making a list of the things I can't say (which by the way are benign and no one gives a crap about) or to hear you talk smack about your supposed friends.  Be careful of people and groups of people like this.  They aren't real friends to each other and they definitely aren't going to be a real friend to you!

My point is that you have to take care of yourself and protect yourself.  Only you can take care of you and that is sometimes the hardest lesson to learn in life and in business.  This doesn't mean you can't be close with some people that you work with but it is important that you never forget that it's business, period. 

See I told you I was like the mob :)


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