If You Believe, You Shall Receive

How is this holiday season treating you?  Are you feeling all merry and bright?

I am definitely getting into the spirit of things!  I am excited about going to Cartersville and seeing all of our family there. I am thrilled to go to my parents house on Christmas Day and eat a big meal and open gifts!

I am also trying to keep in perspective what this time of year is about!  It is so easy to get sucked into the hustle and bustle of everything and miss out on what this season is about.  We all do it, how can you not?  Everyone has a shopping list a mile long, way too many parties to attend and not enough hours in the day.  It can leave you feeling like the Grinch!

Luckily, I always have a time during the season when the significance of the holiday season really hits me.  Sometimes it's after Christmas or on the day of or even before.  No matter when there is a special feeling that comes over me reminding me of the reason for the season.

Lately I have had the mantra "if you believe, you shall receive" going through my head.  It's something I say to myself when I am doubting things, wanting things or feeling stuck!  I say that little phrase in my head, I relax and move forward. 

This week through prayer and the power of positive thinking our little company, Cool-Cat Pro (www.coolcatpro.com), really took off!  I can't tell you how many times I thought during the late nights and post office runs I am truly living "if you believe, you shall receive".  I never think you are too old for the magic of the holiday season and for me and the hubs having our dream realized is the best gift we could get!  We are beyond blessed and blown away by the orders, inquiries and opportunities we have recently received. 

I hope you feel the magic of the holiday season like we have.  I hope your holiday week is festive, fun and fantastic!  I hope you have time to enjoy the little things and remember the reason for the season.  Most of all I hope you are happy, healthy and surrounded by those that you love.

Merry, Merry!



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