Letting Go

How are all my lovely readers today?

Are you getting in the holiday spirit?  Do you have all your shopping down?

I can't wait to tell you this but my little blog had it's 1st anniversary!  I can't believe it I am so excited.  :)  

I've been thinking about blogging and all my other commitments lately.  I've also been thinking about letting go at the same time.  

I have a really bad habit of thinking that if I don't worry (obsess), analyze and control a situation, relationship, idea etc. that it won't happen.  I've done this for many reasons with mixed results.  Sometimes my type A, OCD personality can yield fabulous results.  More often times than not I end up burned out and exhausted because I have pushed myself so hard.  

Lately I am working on letting go.  I struggle with this because it feels like I don't care.  Which is not true at all!  But I can't continue to feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.  I can't continue to think that I have the power to control every situation.  I really have to let go and let God.  

I am working on how you actually let go.  People say it all the time but no one tells you exactly how to do it.  Lately when I'm feeling overwhelmed or wanting to control something I am stepping back, taking a deep breath and imagining letting go of a balloon.  I know it sounds kinda nutty but it works for me :)  

This little exercise is helping me breath and realize that I cannot and should not control everything.  I'm hoping as the New Year approaches I can add letting go to my New Years resolutions and maybe in 2013 I can actually conquer it.  



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