New Years Resolutions: Friend or Foe?

Hey there beautiful!  How are you today?

I just got done working out (I know I can't believe it either) and now am catching up on emails, doing laundry and waiting on the hubs to get back from crossfit.  

As I was running I got to thinking about New Years Resolutions.  I think that resolutions are made with the best of intentions but more often times than not end up making us feel bad about ourselves.  Everyone pledges to themselves on January 1 to be slimmer, richer and the best version of themselves.  And most people stick to their guns until about February or March.

At the gym I go to (I've belonged for years) you can count on the gym and the gym classes being a nightmare until about mid February and then everything goes back to normal.  It's so crazy!  For years I've watched the phenomena occur and thought maybe it won't happen this year but each year it does.

I think we all need New Years Resolutions as somewhat of a reset button for our lives.  It's an opportunity for us to examine ourselves and decide to make some much needed changes.  The problem is we often time create goals so huge or too many goals that there is no way we could ever be successful.  And then we feel bad about ourselves!  Which to me defeats the whole purpose of the resolution process.

So, for me, I don't promise myself that I'm going to look like Kate Moss by spring because let's be honest even if I starved myself and never got off my treadmill I'm not built like Kate and it's never going to happen.  

Instead each year I promise myself that I will workout 3-5 days a week.  I don't care what the workout is just as long as I'm active.  I'm also realistic and know that some weeks I'm going to be sick and some weeks due to work I may only get 2 days in but I try my best.  I think it's a more realistic resolution and instead of beating myself up I'm being nice to myself (novel concept for us gals).  

There are other resolutions I make and this year I want to work on being a better wife.  No one tells you when you get married that it will take you some time to become a wife and it will take you even longer to become the wife you want to be (I can only assume motherhood is the same way).  

I was thinking that the hubs and I are great about telling each other we love each other every day, even multiple times a day but what if I tried each day to tell the hubs why I loved him.  So in 2013 once a day (God willing I can remember) I will tell the hubs "I love you because your such a great dad to Mae" or "I love you because you make me feel confident"  

You get the idea!  At first he will think I'm nuts (this happens often enough) but my hope is that it will really make me think and verbalize all the reasons why I love him.  I know that on a lot of days I will be frustrated with him or even ticked off so saying it will be hard and that's the idea!  I'm challenging myself to do something outside of my comfort zone. 

Those are my only resolutions!  They aren't crazy or even really creative but they are mine. I'm not going to beat myself up if I happen to forget one day or not workout.  Instead I'm going to get up the next day, thank God for the day, and try again.  Because to me that's what resolutions should be about, the simple act of trying, trying something new, trying something outside your comfort zone.  

No matter what you decide your resolutions should be remember to be nice to yourself!  xoxo


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