What's In My Make Up Bag: The Beautiful Hair Edition

Hello beautiful readers!  How are you today?!

I am pretty excited about this blog post as I know we are all always looking for great hair products!  I love getting my hair done and I'm a huge fan of all the blow out bars that have popped up around the city.  

I hope you enjoy my favorite hair products to date!


1.  Wet Brush

I LOVE, LOVE the wet brush.  If you don't have one run, do not walk and snap on up.  I have pretty fine/thin hair so it gets easily tangled.  Brushing it out after a shower was always a headache.  So imagine my delight when my hairdresser suggested I try the wet brush.  It is amazing!  You can brush out your hair like it has no tangles, it makes it painless and cuts your time in half.  If you have kids who hate having their hair brushed after bath then this is a must buy for you!

2.  Oscar Blandi Moisture Recovery Shampoo and Conditioner

I am obsessed with this shampoo and conditioner!!  It does wonders for my hair.  It gives my hair body, volume and makes it super easy to style.  I have already gone through one bottle and I'm about to crack up another.  This will be your new favorite shampoo!

3.  Aquis Microfiber Hair Towel

I have to give my mom credit for this find!!  She bought me this microfiber hair towel a few months back and I have been obsessed ever since.  Normally I would just wrap a bath towel around my head and let's be honest it wasn't very comfortable or functional.  This awesome hair towel is small, actually stays in place and doesn't cause my hair to tangle.  I am in love!

4.  Ultra Chi Pro Hairdryer

I have to give a shout out to my mother-in-law on this fabulous find!  I asked her to buy me a hair dryer because she has done hair for years and years.  She snagged me this Chi hairdryer and it is fantastic.  My mom used it once and went right out and bought herself one.  I feel like it smooths my hair and dries it super fast.  It's a bit pricey but so worth it.  


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