What's What

How are all my fabulous readers today?!

I hope you and yours are doing well and this week is better than last.  :)

Please enjoy this edition of what's what!


1.  Jersey Belle

Listen, if you know me you know I watch a lot of TV!  I watch the good, the bad and even the ugly.  I wasn't expecting a lot when I tuned into Jersey Belle (on Bravo) but I am HOOKED!  It is such a great show about friendship, girlfriends and being there for each other.  I kinda love that Jamie isn't suppose to fit in but totally does because she's an amazing girlfriend!  Everyone in this world needs a friend like her…a friend you can tell anything to and not be judged.  If you haven't tuned in yet you are truly missing out!  I cannot recommend this show enough.  Enjoy!  

2.  Traditional Home

I will be honest with you that I don't often get a chance to read magazines.  When I do I am very selective.  Traditional Home is one of my absolute favs!  I love that it isn't so traditional anymore and that it breaks out of its comfort zone.  I love that it gives me amazing, functional ideas for my house.  If you haven't read it lately I highly suggest you pick up a copy!

3.  Football Season

My friends my favorite time of year is upon us!!  Football in the south is about to begin.  Which means bourbon, SEC game day, and for me red and black outfits.  I am love, loving this amazing scarf from Mud Pie.  I snagged it last year but I will be wearing it to cheer on the Dawgs all through the fall!


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