The Confessional

Happy Tuesday this and thatters!!!

I hope you and yours are having a nice kick off to the week.  I hope you enjoy the confessional, as well!


1.  I've been a bit behind on household chores...who isn't?!  This weekend we had zero plans and I was able to get caught up on soo much.  It made me feel so organized and so less anxious about starting the week.

2.  I'm anal and type A but I always wait until the absolute last minute to Christmas shop.  I really envy those people who are together enough to shop throughout the year.  Not this girl I don't start really shopping until after Thanksgiving...feel free to judge.

3.  Is it just me or are we all decorating for Christmas a lot earlier?!?  I feel like last year I saw everyone decorating before Thanksgiving.  I guess I can see that, it's a lot of work and you want to enjoy it for as long as possible.  I'm on the fence about early decorating but truth be told it makes me feel guilty as heck when I see everyone's house all decorated way before mine!

4.  The hubs and I are revamping our budget and I'm glad about it.  I know that sounds shocking but I really like being organized in all aspects of my life.  The hubs is amazing about figuring out what I can spend each month and never questioning it as long as I stay in budget.  That's why I consign clothes :)  because that's all my $$$ free and clear.

5.  I've really been working on staying in my lane and running my race lately.  I think we are all guilty of looking at other people and comparing our lives.  I love the quote "comparison is the thief of joy" because it truly is.  So I've been working on me and being the happiest and best I can be.  

6.  I saw this quote and absolutely loved it!  Plus one of my fav people Lilly P said it :)

"Secret?   There's no secret....just have fun.  Don't worry about every last little thing.  Somehow it always works out."

Preach Lilly!!  


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