What's In My Make Up Bag

Hello lovelies?!

I hope you and yours are doing well and gearing up for turkey day.  

Recently, I had to revamp my skincare routine.  My skin was going haywire and I'm not sure if that was because of stress, age or hormones.  Either way I had to do some research and make some changes.  I found a couple of different solutions I can't wait to share!


1.  Dr. Gross's Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel

I found these awesome wipes last time I got a facial.  It was probably the best facial I've ever had.  I was at the Ritz at Lake Oconee so it should have been :)

The woman who gave me my facial was awesome and gave me great feedback on what to do and not to do with my skin.  She said if you only buy one product, buy this one, and she was absolutely right.  

You use these pads once a day after cleansing your face (normally in the morning) and they are life changing.  They do wonders for wrinkles, pores and blemishes.  

Click here!

2.  Rodan & Field's Unblemish FaceWash

My dear friend from college sells Rodan & Field's but in the least aggressive way possible :)  She gave me good advice that taking their online quiz would be very helpful and it was.  I have been using this face wash for several weeks now and it is amazing.  It helps with those little breakouts and blemishes without drying out your skin!

Click here!

3.  Vaseline Lip Therapy

Vaseline has come up with these adorably, small, lip therapies and I'm obsessed.  I use the classic at night and nothing will moisturize your lips better and the rosy all day long.  I use the cocoa butter when I'm on the go because I love, love the smell.  

I would love to get these set in my stocking!

Click here!


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