Dear Emily

Hello all my lovely readers!  I hope you and your are staying toasty warm.  I have been loving all this time with my baby girl.  Please enjoy this edition of Dear Emily. 


Dear Emily,

Sweet girl you aren't a baby anymore!!  You are walking, talking (in your way), pointing at things and being so much fun.  You won't believe it but you are starting to run!  It doesn't last long because you fall (sadly) but you are running.  You have also learned to hug, which is amazing!!  Nothing warms my heart more than getting a great big hug from my baby girl.

You are obsessed with pointing out all the lights and pictures you see!  You want to talk to mommy and daddy about them.  It's so fun to witness your world opening up.  You are discovering all sorts of new things and it's so exciting.

Daddy calls you his petite princess because you are still barely fitting into 12 month clothes even though you are 14 months old.  Dressing you is one of mommy's favorite things!  I never imagined how much fun it would be to dress my little baby girl.

Your daddy laughs at me because I tell you everyday "you are an angel sent down from heaven for me to love".  But I truly feel that way!  Even on the hard days, the tiring days I tell you that at least once.  God blessed me on the day you were born and continues to bless me each day with your presence in my life.  

I am so excited to see you becoming your own little person.  I am honored to witness the light you bring into the world!  I am humbled to be your momma and thankful to God each day for my most precious gift, your life.  

Being a mother far exceeds any expectations I ever had!  Thank you for being my partner in crime, my baby girl and loving me.  

I love you to the moon and back,




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