The Best Blogs You Aren't Reading

For this edition of the best blogs you aren't reading I decided to tackle home decor!  I am slowly dipping my toe into the area of home design and taking some risks so I have been scouring the internet for great blogs on interior design. 

These blogs are giving me inspiration and encouragement for my own home and I hope they do the same for you!  I am starting out small in my foray into decorating with new granite counter tops and stools for our kitchen. 

Whatever project for your home you are working on I hope you find these blogs as amazing as I do!

1.  Margaret Long Designs

I love, love her blog and her designs!  I feel like she is the ulimate in southern chic and charm.  I especially like that she is young and full of ideas and inspiration.  Check out her blog and you will become a devoted reader in no time!

2.  Cindy Lynn Dunaway Interiors!/pages/Cindy-Lynn-Dunaway-Interiors/222064664497880

Ok so I'm bending the rules just a bit because this isn't an actual blog but a facebook page but none the less Cindy Lynn Dunaway Interiors is absolutely fantastic!  I love her use of fabrics and her twist on the traditional.   She does beautiful work and amazing installations.  Check out her facebook page for some amazing ideas/inspiration!

3.  At Home At Home

Is such a beautiful blog that I warn you, you will be on it for hours!  The author of the blog is an incredibly talented photographer but is also a decorater as well.  She takes wonderfully inspiring photographs of everyday life and her travels.  I literally cannot stop reading her blog!

4.  The Lettered Cottage

Is the cutest blog ever!!  I love the design and layout of their blog (it is written by a husband and wife team) and I also love the before and after pics of their house.  They also give you some great tips for interior design like imagine it and take risks!  I use this blog as a reference guide all the time as I am starting out on the rocky road of finding my interior design style. 

5.  Material Girls

Is an incredible blog about mixing the old and new!  They are pretty modern but have a classic twist (which I love).  Their inspirations and designs defintely push me out of my comfort zone and encourage me to take risks.  They also do some great giveaways and give you tips about sales as well.  Check out this beautiful blog and it will be one of your favorites! 


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