It's Wine Time

If you know me, you know I love a great glass of wine!!  At the end of the day there is nothing I love more than having a glass of wine and taking a hot bath.  It just washes the bad day away and makes everything better. 

I am always on the look out for a great wine that I can find at the grocery store and won't blow the budget (yes the hubs still has me on a budget)!  I like to find wine at the grocery store so I don't have to go to the wine store as me lazy :) 

Below are some of my favorite wines that you can find at your local grocery store that won't blow your budget!

1.  Diseno Malbec

Is an amazing wine from Argentina that I always keep in the house!  It is super smooth and always a crowd pleaser.  You can pick it up at Publix or Ingles.

2.  Les Violettes

Is my hand down favorite red wine!  It is an incredible Cotes du Rhone that goes incredibly well with any meal.  It is smooth, delicious and available at Publix!

3.  Cupcake Pinot Grigio

I love, love Cupcake wine!  I think it is a great bargain and I love how cute the bottle is.  I usually prefer pinot grigio if I'm drinking white wine and this is my go to wine for the spring/summer months. 

4.  Bolla Sangiovese di Romagna

I love a great red blend and this is by far my grocery store favorite!  It has an amazing flavor (even you wine snobs will agree) and is fantastic with meats and pastas.  There is always a bottle of this wine in my house.

5.  La Scolca Rose

Over this past summer and especially on our trip to California I discovered my love for Rose.  It is a little sweet for a lot of people but I really like it and it is also a great alternative for me since I don't love champagne.  I like to drink it when we are having ham for dinner or even if I'm just having some cheese and olives. 

6.  Montes Cabernet Sauvignon

This is a fantastic wine that you can find at the grocery store!   It is full bodied and goes well with red meat and really anything.  This has become a new favorite of mine!


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