Stella Mae Womack

Do you have a dog you love?  Or a pet you absolutely love?  If so keep reading.   If not you might want to stop here :)

In case you don't know or haven't been able to tell by my facebook page I LOVE our yellow lab Mae.  Her full name is Stella Mae Womack but we just call her Mae.  My hubs named her after a bluegrass song he loves and it just suits her. 

When we started dating Mae was 6 months old and I hate that I missed her as a puppy because from the pictures I've seen she was the cutest little thing.  See for yourself.

But to be honest it's probably better I wasn't around because I would have spoiled her.  I wouldn't have let Matt discipline her, I would have let her up on the furniture and in the bed and in general I would have ruined her.  I mean look at that face (that sweet boy with her is Dock, her cousin, he is my second favorite dog in the world)!!

Mae isn't a puppy anymore she's 3 1/2 and besides my hubs she is the love of my life.   I love Mae for a number of reasons the first being she is just a darn good dog.  Part of it is her nature, part of it is my hubs training and the other part of it is that Mae goes to work with my hubs everyday.  I know that is pretty unique but each day she goes to the office with my hubs and plays with another lab, Maggie. 

So to say Mae is a people person would be putting it lightly.  Mae loves all people and kids.  In fact our neighbors bring their kids, who are afraid of dogs, over to our house so they can see Mae, play with her and not be afraid of big dogs anymore.  If Mae doesn't like someone (which rarely happens) I don't trust that person.  She has great radar!

One of the reasons why I really love Mae is she is the first dog that has ever felt like mine.  Sure I had dogs growing up but they were always family dogs and to be honest I was always a little afraid of dogs, until Mae.  I've never been afraid of her.  She has the sweetest spirit and is so gentle with everyone.

Mae and I have our own language, she follows me around the house, we play together and I even "tuck her in" at night.  Basically that means I pet her and give her a big hug while she's in her dog bed and tell her to have good puppy dog dreams.  The hubs says she acts weird when I'm out of town and I always say "well did you tuck her in?"  :)  To which he responds "you're ridiculous."  I have yet to tell him about the time I tried to paint her nails....let's just say it didn't go well :)

He thinks I'm a bit silly when it comes to her (and that's ok) and worry about random things that will never happen like frost bite on her paws but I don't care.  Mae is the happiest soul I know, is always excited to see me and is the best company in the world.  As ridiculous as it sounds Mae makes me a better and happier person.  There is something about petting a dog and feeling their unconditional love that washes all the bad away. 

Apparently I'm not the only dog lover out there because Billy Currington has a great song right now called Like My Dog.  To all the dog lovers out there these lyrics are for you and for my Stella Mae Womack they are especially for you!

He never tells me that he's sick of this house
He never says why don't you get off that couch?
He dont cost me nothin when he wants to go out
I want you to love me like my dog

He never says I need a new attitude
Him and my sister ain't always in a feud
When I leave the seat up he don't think that it's rude
I want you to love me like my dog does Baby

When I come home, I want you to just go crazy
He never looks at me like he might hate me
I want you to love me like my dog

He never acts like he don't care for my friends
He never asks me where in the hell have you been?
He dont play dead when I wanna pet him

I want you to love me like my dog does honey

He never says 'I wish you made more money'
He always thinks that pull my finger is funny
I want you to love me like my dog

He dont get mad at me and throw a major fit
When I say his sister is a b**ch!

I want you to love me like my dog does baby
When I come home, I want you to just go crazy
He never looks at me like he might hate me
I want you to love me like my dog

I want you to love me like my dog does Baby


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