What's On My Nightstand

Soo given my profession and the fact that I'm a complete political junkie I have gotten requests to do an edition of what's on my nightstand geared towards politics. 

This posting could go on forever and ever as I love to read anyway and this political science major especially loves to read anything about politics, elections, candidates and everything in between. 

So even if you aren't interested in politics or if you are knee deep in politics I think the books below are for you!  They are some amazing reads about campaigns, candidates and politics at its finest. 

1.  1776

I know I'm going to sound like your political science or history teacher but you really need to read 1776!  First of all David McCullough is an amazing writer and historian and you need to read at least one of his books in your lifetime.  In the book McCullough takes on the critical year of 1776 which details the conflict between Great Britain and the colonies that would eventually become America.  It gives you incredible insight into the formation of  our country, its political system and our forefathers.

2.  Game Change

To say the 2008 Presidential election was historical would be putting it mildly.  From the Clinton's, to America meeting Sarah Palin, to John Edwards this race was one that will go down in the history books.  Game Change will give you the inside scoop and behind the scenes story of the candidates and their campaigns. 

3.  Decision Points

Is written by former President George W. Bush and whether you agree with his politics or not it is an eye opening read about his time in office and the often difficult decisions/obstacles he was faced with.  I like that the book doesn't go in chronological order but instead outlines critical decisions he made personally and professionally throughout his life.  I actually read this book on the beach while on my honeymoon and I couldn't put it down! 

4.  All Too Human:  A Political Education

This might be my favorite political read to date!  First of all you have to respect the fact that George Stephanopoulos at the age of 30 not only was a key member of President Clinton's campaign but also of his inner circle in the White House.  This book is an eye opening read from an insiders view of politics at its finest, who really controls the show and making the tough calls in politics and life. 


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