Dear Emily

Dear Emily,

I am loving this time with you right now!  I wish I could freeze time for just a little bit.  It's such a great time because you can walk, feed yourself and talk.  Now you can't say much but you absolutely get your point across.  

You are getting more independent and less shy!  I am so proud of you for being brave and trying all sorts of new things.  I know new things seem scary at first but I promise if you keep doing them it won't be as scary.  I promise you that doing these new things is a great way to grow and figure out who you are.

You aren't exactly sure what to think about me being pregnant nor do I really expect you to understand.  We do talk about babies a lot and you enjoy looking at my growing belly.  You even like to lift my shirt up in public which is super fun for mommy :)  

We are working on saying "sissy" as I know the babies name is a bit of a mouthful for now.  You are getting very good at saying sissy.  I think about what you will think all the time when the new baby arrives.  

I worry that you won't understand or won't like it but as soon as I do I stop.  Knowing your spirit I know that you will absolutely love the baby and want to help me with everything.  I am so excited for you to have a sibling and for you to be a big sister.  I really couldn't think of a better big sister than you!  

I am so proud of you!   I am proud of how you are growing, changing and adapting to things. I am proud of how you learn everyday, how you teach yourself new things and how you always figure things out.  Mostly I am just proud to be your momma.  

I love you sweet baby girl....always to the moon and back!




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