Hello lovely readers!  Pardon the crass title of this blog post but I'm a little bit fired up and it seemed appropriate.  I'm about to hop on my've been warned.


Is it just me or have you been reading on the internet about celebrities being "fat shamed"?  From Pink to Kelly Clarkson it's been dominating the internet and "news".  It's hard for me to believe that it's acceptable for anyone to call someone else fat or judge their appearance so openly much less so called journalists.  

The other thing I find so interesting is that the media will be the first ones to tell them when they are way too think aka Bethenny Frankel.  When did weight, big or small, become a socially acceptable topic to discuss on the news, on the internet and on social media?!

Frankly I blame social media!  I think it's very easy to be a complete jackass when you are behind a keyboard.  I know you see it all day, everyday on social media accounts far and wide.  What is alarming to me is that celebrities are being called out not only on social media but by reporters!  How in the hell is this news with everything that is going on in the world?!

I am a regular woman with flaws, cellulite, love handles etc.  I would be mortified to be famous and have every magazine, news outlet and commentator remark on my appearance.  Maybe if we start discussing these so called journalists or tabloid reporters appearance they will hush?  

What worries me even more is we are in a situation where being bullied is a very real thing.  Young people are killing themselves over it and we wonder why all the school programs, PSAs and cautionary tales aren't working?  Well maybe it's because we as adults are setting a terrible example!

We are showing our young people everyday that it's perfectly acceptable to comment on someone's outward appearance and to be very derogatory about it.  We are showing them that losing or gaining 5 lbs is newsworthy!  

I know they are positive messages out there and I really want to thank the celebs who are real about who they are and thank Pink and Kelly Clarkson for handling themselves so well.  However, as a woman and as a mother I am deeply hurt and upset that this behavior is allowed to occur.  That we as a society are not only ok with it but must revel in it for it to continue to be news.  

I work very hard each day to present a positive self image to my daughter.  Yes she is only 19 months and has no earthly idea but it's still something that I do because I know how important it is.  You will never catch me using the words "fat" "lose weight" "diet" etc. around her.  I know how impressionable kids are!  I want her to see that you can be happy in your skin, period.  

Like every girl I have been a variety of sizes and have the clothes hanging in my closet to prove it.  I have to be honest that when I'm looking back on memories, happy times or even sad times I don't remember if I was a size 4 or a size 8.  I remember who helped me through those times, how I got through those times and how it shaped me as a human.  

I am putting all of this out into the great big universe as a hope that we all start to change a small bit!  That we will start to remember that there is beauty and worth at every single size.  That God created us all, we are all different and we are suppose to be!  

I also hope the next time you hear a reporter, news outlet or tabloid bash a celebrity, for gasp being human, and either losing or gaining weight that you change the channel or don't buy the magazine.  I hope that you feel beautiful right now, today!  Not 5 lbs from now or next week or next month but today.   I hope we all stop being so critical of ourselves so we will stop being so critical of others.  I hope that we all can learn to extend love, grace and acceptance to ourselves and to others.  

Thank you for indulging me today readers!  :)


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