The Weekend

Happy Day beautiful people!  I hope you and yours are doing well :)  

I'm slowly getting back into routine after coming off a very busy work time.  That includes working out, blogging and in general not running around like a chicken with my head cut off!  

As I ease back into regular blogging I wanted to share with you what we did this weekend!  Enjoy!


1.  Friday Adventures with Emily

So now that I have a more flexible schedule I love that I get more time with baby girl.  Emily has a nanny four days a week at our house and then we nanny share on Fridays.  The great part of working from home part-time is that I get to spend a ton of time with her during the week!  

However, I like spending Fridays with her doing something new or fun.  Sometimes our adventures are low key maybe just lunch out and a playdate!  This Friday we had a great playdate with baby boy Gray.  These babes were two peas in a pod!

This coming Friday we are going to the Yellow River Game Ranch.  It's basically a small petting zoo that I went to growing up.  I figure she will love it or hate it, ha!  I have also signed us up for a class at the Little Gym in Buckhead for an upcoming Friday.  

What fun outings do you take your little ones on?

2.  Saturday Home Repairs

The beauty of homeownership is repairs right?  Oh and bills?  :)  On Saturday the hubs spent the majority of his time in the crawl space of our house with our pest guy fixing some termite damage.  So Em and I had a lot of outdoor time.  Her favorite thing right now is for me to set up beach chairs and she goes from chair to chair, ha!  Saturday night we had a delicious early birthday dinner for yours truly.  Sadly I took zero pics :(

3.  Sunday Funday

Sunday morning we headed to church.  Em still is a little unsure about the nursery so I'm very relieved they give the parents pagers.  When the sermon was almost done we got a page and went and snagged the little one from the nursery.  She took a huge nap when we got home so I'm thinking exhaustion was the culprit.  

In the afternoon the hubs played the guitar for Em and she loved it!  She didn't want him to stop and kept saying "go dada go".  :)   We ended the day with some quality reading!!


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