The Lilly Aftermath

Happy Sunday pretty readers!  I'm not even gonna lie to you that I am exhausted.  I shopped the Lilly sale like many others and it was crazy!!  Let's break it down, shall we?

1.  Target and their lookbook can bite me (sorry I'm tired).  Why did they encourage us to favorite things when the minute you could access the site the lookbook was nowhere to be found?   Also, why did they change some items to in-store only once they launched?  Knowing that would have been helpful for planning.

2.  Oh the website!  We all knew it would crash but I don't think even the most rabid Lilly fan realized how hard it would be to actually make a purchase.  They had serious shopping cart issues and that's super unfortunate.  Also, it seems that their mobile site was far less likely to crash.....good to know for the future.  

3.  I know there is a very big conspiracy theory going on about who actually could check out and who couldn't but I seriously think it was luck of the draw.  I re-loaded my shopping cart twice and waited for over 40 minutes to check out.  I finally had to go into my account on the target landing page to be able to check out.  

4.  Target shouldn't have launched in the middle of the night!  Maybe I'm bitter since I was up from 3-5 a.m.!!  They should have known that wouldn't slow traffic.  Also, I know they couldn't predict everything that would happen but the glitches between the mobile site launching and the actual site not don't make them look good.  If they every do this again or re-stock (have you heard the rumor) I have a feeling they will be more coordinated.  

5.  In-store was absolutely insane!  I went to two different stores and the feeling was very supermarket sweep.  I also, didn't love that people had zero manners and were just grabbing sizes without looking.  I think Target learned their lesson on just letting people grab anything and everything.

6.  I don't do black Friday or any other big shopping day so to say I was overwhelmed with how everyone reacted when the doors opened would be an understatement!  People were running, were ruthless and honestly it was over in about 10 minutes due to the small amount of merchandise.  Luckily I was with two other people so we could divide and conquer.

7.  Let's be honest for me this was mostly about the baby girls items and I had tons of luck getting every single thing I wanted for Em and baby to be.  Online and in-store was super easy for me to shop and for that I was extremely grateful!  Honestly there was still a lot of baby girl stuff when I left the store around 9 and no one was even near the display.

8.  Well all those nutty people that were grabbing racks of clothes with out looking have all made their way to Ebay I guess!  From checking the site it looks like sellers have jacked up the price and people are more than willing to pay.  Kinda sad if you ask me!

9.  Have you already heard the re-stock rumors?  I'm not sure if this is fact or fiction.  To be honest I'm not sure I care, haha!  I don't know that I or my sleeping patterns can handle another launch.  I would like to get a dress or two for myself but I'm not willing to do what I did today for it.  What are you hearing on the re-stock rumors?

10.  Returns.  I do think people will return items.  In fact I am planning to return the small, floral clutch.  I really like it online but after getting it home it's a bit small for me.  Anyone else planning to return?

I hope you are all resting, taking a xanax or drinking mimosas because that was an INTENSE shopping day!!  Thank you Lilly and thank you Target for Pink Sunday even if it was a bit of a nightmare!  xoxo


  1. Lots of Lilly for Target on Ebay. Surprise! Probably at inflated prices.


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