Around The House....It's Almost Time For Spring Cleaning

So this amazing weather not only makes me want to shop it also gets me in the mood to do some spring cleaning around the house.  For the better part of the weekend I was laid out as I lifted a bag of potting soil from the ground up to my cart at Home Depot and when I did I heard a pop....never good!

The doc says I've pulled muscles etc and should take it easy.  Yea right doc!  I mean I agree with the doc but how the heck am I suppose to lay around on a heating pad for a week.?!  I did follow the doc's orders over the weekend well for the most part. 

I did get up from time to time to do some things around the house and get us ready for my big spring cleaning which involves washing everything including dog beds, bed skirts, Mae's collar etc.  It also involves flipping mattresses and airing out pillows etc. 

In preparation for the big clean I did some small things around the house this weekend to get us ready!

1.  Do-It-Yourself Home Deodorizer

I found the recipe for this on The Food Gospel According To Ruth and I love it!  It's super easy and just makes your house smell clean instead of like perfume etc. 

You simply fill your crockpot up with water, slice a lemon in half, throw a few rosemary springs in there and a spoonful of vanilla.  You put the crockpot on high and let it boil for 12 to 24 hours.  My house smells amazing and yours will too!!

2.  Spring Planting

So unfortunately lifting the potting soil and planting my annuals is what threw my back out but I have to admit they look pretty good.  I love how bright and happy are back porch looks and we have been able to sit outside and have dinner which always makes me happy!  I can't wait for spring (planting spring) when I can plant my herbs but for now these flowers are perfect.

3.  I Love Lemons

I always keep a bag of lemons in my fridge because I use them for soo many reasons!  My favorite purpose for the lemons is to cut them in quarters and throw them down the garbage disposal.  It prevent it from smelling and makes the whole kitchen smell soo much better.


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