Working Girl Rules: Keep Your Perspective

For this edition of working girl rules I decided to talk about the hardest rule for me which is keeping your perspective.  This one is hard because I think it is really easy to lose your perspective and vision when you are tired, working too hard, or are in a bad mood. 

Sometimes I think we let work become our entire life and that causes us to lose our perspective.  Work for me has always been a great source of pride and self-esteem which is great but you have to be careful.  You can't let work become your singular focus because it will make you less productive.  I know some people don't believe that but I truly feel like well rounded people make the most amazing co-workers and employees.

I think it is important to create a balance in your life that includes family, exercise, hobbies and work.  I think allowing yourself to explore other areas makes you appreciate your work life and then excel in it. 

Listen I have been the one first to the office and last to leave and I don't think it was healthy.  Now I try to keep myself in check with some simple rules that help me keep my perspective. 

My first rule is no blackberries after 9 p.m.  The truth is I'm not that important and if something crazy does happen at 11:30 p.m. how will I fix it when everyone is asleep?  It just freaks me out and causes me to lose sleep which is the number one way I lose my perspective.

My second rule is don't type or talk when you are angry!  Often times I get really rude or snarky emails and I want to immediately respond in the same manner.  Sometimes I will even type it out and then delete (be careful that you do delete it) just to make myself feel better.  What I try to do now is breath, relax and be respectful and rise above the situation.  It makes me feel better and can sometimes help the other person get on track.

My third rule is to create a great life outside of work.  I'm not saying that you can't be friends with the people you work with but I think it is very healthy to be friends with people that have nothing to do with your job.  It reminds you that there is a big ole world out there and it also important because often times they are experiencing similar issues.  You can talk with these friends about work without fear of it being spread around the office.

My final rule for keeping your perspective is find someone at work that you can trust to discuss issues you might be experiencing.  Find someone who will always have your back and allow you to air out issues without fear they will gossip about them later.  Have someone who is a good sounding board but someone that you can also trust is key in keeping your perspective.

Remember keeping your perspective is one of the crucial keys to success.  Everyone has their little tricks of the trade for keeping sane but remember to always believe in who you are and the work you do!


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