Sunday Funday

I love a good Sunday Funday!  For those of you who aren't sure what Sunday Funday is it normally involves cocktails and good food.  I think Sunday Funday came about because of the Sunday blues. 

I don't care who you are I think everyone gets a little sad on Sunday afternoon.  The weekend is over and it's time to gear up for the week.  You are thinking about everything that you need to do and don't want to do and it normally makes me want to lay down and take a big nap. 

When I was single Sunday Funday was normally at the Treehouse and it involved lots of mimosas and fun appetizers and made the day so much more bearable.  Even though I'm older and married I still believe a good Sunday Funday can cure what ails you. 

My Sunday Funday's look a lit bit different now.  Sometimes they include going to church and wearing something super cute!

Other times it includes going to starbucks and getting a tall coffee and wandering around the book store or downtown Norcross just browsing around and enjoying myself. 

Sometimes I use Sundays to plan fun trips or research places I want to go!  My favorite site is JetSetter and I could stay on it for hours.  I have found the best, most unique hotels and deals using this site.  I am really dreaming of somewhere warm and sunny right now. 

And then let's be honest sometimes I have a good ole fashioned Sunday Funday.  I rarely go out for Sunday Funday but I will crack open a bottle of Proseco, but one some fun tunes and have a good time with the hubs.  We order pizza and stay up too late and in general feel young again. 

We feel this way until the alarm goes off at 6 a.m. on Monday morning...YIKES!!  No matter what you are doing today enjoy your Sunday and make it a Funday!


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