Working Girl Rules: Have Vision/Seize Opportunity

For the third installment of working girl rules I decided to talk about taking initiative or seizing a moment.  While this might be kind of hard to grasp stay with me :)  One thing I love about being a woman is the fact that we have a strong gut sense or what is better known as woman's intuition. 

Let me tell you a little story about seizing opportunity and following your gut.  About 8 years ago I was working at the Capitol but looking for another job.  Someone told me that my current employer was hiring.  I got so excited!  The only thing was I didn't know the two individuals who were hiring for the job.  Frankly I had only been at the Capitol a handful of months so I didn't know a ton of people.

I had a moment were I froze and thought about just letting it go or letting someone else put my name in the hat.  I got over that fear quickly, desperation and frankly naive youth pushed me to approach these two individuals about the job.  Jobs at the Capitol are more rare than diamonds and you have to act fast.  I also had to be careful that I didn't let who I was working for get wind that I was looking for other work. 

The story goes that I heard (my now boss) was in the restroom.  Perfect I thought it is safe place for me to approach her.  Unfortunately she was having morning sickness and more than a little shocked that someone she didn't even know was knocking on the stall and asking to speak with her about the position.  :) 

We laugh about this story all the time!  Instead of freaking her out she says it showed initiative and when she had composed herself she took me to meet the big boss. 

A few months later I formally applied for the position and got an interview.  I have never been so stressed I had to do a writing sample before the actual panel interview.  On the panel were 8 people who weren't afraid to ask me the tough questions.  I walked away knowing it was the right fit.  I got the job and 8 years later have never been happier.

What I learned by this experience was that it is important to seize the moment when it presents itself.  Your story may not be so dramatic or classy (I mean who knocks on a bathroom stall but me) but you will have a moment or moments that will present themselves and I encourage you to seize the opportunity!

Have the vision to know this is the right decision, strategy or option and then act on it.  One of my favorite quotes is "Nobody ever got anywhere being afraid all the time".  It's true and I think most working women need to be constantly reminded of this.  Don't ever be afraid to follow your dreams or reach for your goals.  Don't ever be afraid to ask for the job or ask for more work or bust your tail to get where you want to be. 

Always keep the vision of where you are trying to go in your mind and never let the opportunities pass you by! 


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