More Errands Than The Average Bear....

I feel like I spend my life running errands!  As it stands right now I have a growing to do list and all I can think is I need about 5 good hours to get it all done. 

Is it just me or do you feel like you spend your life in the car going from place to place?  When I start or add to my to do list it doesn't seem like any big deal.  Even when I tell the hubs everything I did (all the errands I've run) it sounds negligible but it sure doesn't feel that way. 

Somehow I spend the better part of most weekends in my car going to the dry cleaners, the alterations place, the mall, the bank, the grocery store, etc.  I feel like someone could make a great deal of money by offering to run all your errands for you. 

For instance my dry cleaners started a service where they will come to your house pick up your dirty clothes, launder them and then return them.  Hallelujah is all I have to say!!  These days when things get overwhelming I'm looking to OUTSOURCE them to anyone that can help make our lives easier. 

So just know I am thinking about you when you are out there running all your errands like a crazy person and just now I feel exactly how you do....that we have more errands to run than the average bear. 




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