Working Girl Rules: Reward Yourself

How are my working women this week?  

I have to tell you that this working girl is tired!  I had a trying week and at the end of it wanted nothing more than to go home, eat a pizza and watch dateline (and have some wine, who are we kidding?).  

As I was drifting off to sleep last night I got to thinking about being in school and how we use to get gold stars for doing something well or being the star student.  I got to thinking this morning about how it would be great if this happened in our adult life.  If outside everyone's office or cube there was a chart where you could be rewarded a gold star or stars :)

Unfortunately that doesn't happen so often times we are left with only the words people know to say "good job" "well done" "thank you".  Sometimes after a completely crazy project or work week these words fall short.  I want a physical representation of the words "good job".  

But truth be told my employer doesn't had out Louis Vuitton purses for a job well done or diamond earrings for your 10th anniversary.  I realized these many years ago and decided it was up to me to reward myself for a job well done.  I use milestones like the end of a crazy session, a bonus or a just a crazy work week to reward myself.

My rewards are often over the top like the year I bought myself my Chanel purse and other times they are more low key like today when I bought myself a new harmony bracelet.  Sometimes my reward is a hot bath, a big glass of vino and my favorite book (50 shades of grey anyone?) and other times it is allowing myself to stay in my pajamas all day on Saturday and not leave the house.  

Whatever works for you find it and reward yourself!  Unfortunately no one can ever really validate for you that you did a job well done but YOU.  So take the time out to pat yourself on the back and to realize that you sometimes do what no one else can do and that's pretty special.  

So my beautiful worker bees reward yourself!!!  



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