Working Girl Rules: The Kind of Tired You Can't Sleep Off...

How are my lovely blog readers this morning??  

In Atlanta it is dreary and for some reason I couldn't sleep last night.  It wasn't all bad I got a lot done from 3 a.m. until now and I also decided to write about the kind of tired you can't sleep off.  So what is the kind of tired you can't sleep off exactly?

This is something that is going to happen to you no matter who you are and no matter what you do.  This phenomena might start out like a slow ache but eventually it will blossom into a full blown "thing".  

The kind of tired you can't sleep off happens when you are burned out, overworked, not getting enough "me" time or alone time.  It can happen when it's time for you to make a move or when something is going on that you know isn't right but you have no control over.  Maybe it's just your busy season or you are working on a project that isn't going well.  It happens when you aren't doing something that you are passionate about or when you are doing something that is completely wrong for you but you have to do it.  When it normally happens to me is when I feel overwhelmed and not in control of anything (I know control is a fairy tale).

The tired I'm talking about happens when you get over the anger of your situation and to me it is the aftermath.  And no matter how many glasses of wine or scotch you drink, naps you take, things you buy, yoga classes you take, reality shows you watch you are tired and nothing is helping.  

What I can tell you is you are not alone.  The most powerful CEO in America goes through this as do most average worker bees (in my opinion).  This happens because your gut is trying to tell you something and you shouldn't ignore it.  Maybe you need to move on, start a new job, try a new attitude,  or maybe you need to employ my favorite mantra never, never, never give up.  

The reason why you are the kind of tired you can't sleep off may not even be one of the reasons I listed above but no matter what PLEASE, PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR BODY IS TELLING YOU!  

The advice I can give you is find someone you can trust (pay someone if you have to ) and talk about what is going on.  Get as much sleep as you can, exercise, eat right and know that this too shall pass.  

I know what it's like to feel this way and feel like there is no way out.  Let me assure you there is always a way out.  It may require you to make the tough choices, take risks and put yourself out there but this is life and life requires change!  

The kind of tired you can't sleep off will plague you until you cure it just like a tooth ache.  So face it down and don't let fear be your guide!  Take care of you and know that this is happening to you for a reason.



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