The Pivot Questionnaire

How are my peeps today?  I know that it is hard to get motivated today.  I am still in vacation mode and not ready for the week to start just yet.  

I decided to do something a little fun to ease us all into the week.  It's something called the pivot questionnaire.  The questionnaire originally came from a French talk show host but has been made famous by James Lipton from Inside The Actor's Studio.  

I always love hearing people's answers to these questions.  And I can't tell you how many times I have answered the questions in my head.  On this especially difficult Tuesday I decided to answer the questions but this time to put pen to paper.  The answers are suppose to tell you a lot about a person in a short amount of time!  So here goes nothing.....

Happy Tuesday


1.  What is your favorite word?


2.  What is your least favorite word?


3.  What turns you on?

Hard work, things done flawlessly

4.  What turns you off?

Criticism.  It seems fruitless to me. 

5.  What is your favorite curse word?

Hands down it is Fuck, I'm sorry but no other curse word does it for me :)

6.  What sound or noise do you love?

The hubs laughing, really laughing.  He rarely belly laughs but when he does it is the best sound in the world!

7.  What sound or noise do you hate?

Lawnmowers!  I think it has to do with the fact that my dad always woke us up early on the weekends by cranking up the lawnmower.  He showed restraint by waiting until 7:30 a.m.  We weren't a big hit with the neighbors :)

8.  What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I would love, love to own a clothing store.

9.  What profession would you not like to do?

Garbage collector

10.  If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Welcome home kid!  We've been waiting for you.  


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