Do You Date Night?

What's up stinkers?  Is anyone else doing back flips because it's Friday??  Or is that just me?

The hubs and I were talking about our love of Fridays on the way to our date night.  We were talking about being younger and how exciting and amazing Fridays were.  You had the whole weekend in front of you to ride bikes, eat pizza, go to a sleepover, and in general be a kid.  We both agreed that nothing beat the last day of school!!  You had three months of pool time, family trips and being with your friends ahead of was nirvana.  

Sorry to digress a bit but I love childhood memories!  So my question to the universe is do you date night?  The hubs and I have a date night once a week (or we try).  This is a special time for us when I don't have to cook (thank you Jesus), we spend time together and eat a good meal.  

Some people think it's weird that we do it because we've been married for about a minute but I think it's an important time for us to reconnect.  We have a couple of rules for date night the first and most important being NO PHONES, IPHONES, BLACKBERRRIES etc.  This way we fully commit to each other.  Also, if there is a TV within a 5 mile radius, with sports on it we sit as far away from it as possible or the hubs will eat and watch the Hawks, Braves, track and field or whatever is on the tube.  

Those are the only rules for date night.  Sometimes we get dressed up and it's a production. Other times we go to our fav Mexican place and I wear my old sorority t-shirts and flip flops.  Sometimes I pay and sometimes the hubs pays.  We always have a cocktail or three and let loose.  

In general these nights are about us spending time together, remembering how we fell in love and just being ourselves.  I recommend date nights to people.  I know it seems daunting but seriously if I can go on most of our date nights dressed liked a 32 year old college girl it isn't that serious.  

Soo do you date night?!



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