The Best Advice No One Will Give You

I interept our normally scheduled programming of what's in my make up bag to bring you the best advice no one will give you. 

I was thinking about this concept the other day while driving (yes that was me on GA 400 going 55 and day dreaming about blogging). 

I feel like my whole life people have been giving me unsolicited advice, like

"Don't eat carbs"

"Don't drink too much"

"Spend less than you make"

"Don't get married until you're 30"

"Don't swim for an hour after you eat"

"Don't go places alone at night"

"Don't be too available"

Most of the time when people are saying these things to me I am thinking about what's going to happen on the next episode of Mad Men or if I need to stop and buy wine on the way home.  Don't get me wrong I love my family and friends (as I'm sure you do) but sometimes you gotta let people live. 

So I decided to bestow upon you the lessons I've learned the hard way, on my own that people are too nice to talk about at cocktail parties.  These are the lessons I've learned by living life and the advice I wish more people would talk about! 

Enjoy.  xoxoxo

1.  Don't Settle

As I woman (and I think only ladies read this blog) this is the single most important piece of advice you will ever get.  Don't settle for a just so-so job, boyfriend, house, husband, etc.  It's total bullshit to settle.....sorry mom!  If it doesn't feel right, it isn't right, trust your gut!  I see so many smart, capable women overrule themselves and later regret it. 

I obvioulsy feel very strongly about this because I've watched so many of my friends settle because they were afraid, they were lonely, they were broke etc.  These are all very valid reasons to settle, no doubt, but don't do it!  It's not worth it in the end and you will spend your whole life second guessing yourself. 

I say go for it!  Who gives a rip if you don't get married until your 40 if your husband is the shizz, he was worth it.  Don't worry so much about how you stack up to others and live your life for you no matter what that means.  You are worth it so don't freaking settle....EVER!

2.  Go Big or Go Home aka Get 'Er Done

Don't do things half ass.  Do them well or don't bother.  People can sense when you aren't putting the effort forward (and a lot of time it ticks them off).  Do your best work in everything you do.  

I am one of those people that does better when I have 50 things to do versus 5.  So sometimes that means I procrastinate but who cares when I do finally get around to getting my to do list done it is executed flawlessly.  

3.  Make Good Choices

The phrase "make good choices" has become very famous in my family.  My sister is an amazing mom.  She is one of those mothers that people hope to be and often fall short.  One of the things she constantly says to my sweet nephew is "make good choices".  

She says it so often that when he isn't necessarily making a good choice he will look at you and say "I'm not making good choices!!!"  Now can you imagine this sweet face ever doing anything wrong?!

I love this phrase because my sister isn't telling my nephew what good choices are but instead letting him figure them out for himself.  She doesn't point to things and say this is a good choice she lets him realize what is a good choice and rewards him with the phrase "good job".  

I have really taken this phrase to heart and say it often to people.  As adults we need to make good choices for ourselves.  My good choices might look differently than your good choices but everyday I make the commitment to make the best decisions I can.  Sometimes making good choices is tough because it's so much easier to do the wrong thing or the easy thing but every time I'm considering something I hear my sister's voice in my head saying "make good choices".  

4.  Over Tip

I fell strongly about over tipping valets, waiters, coat check peeps, bathroom attendants etc.  I eat out a lot for my job and I see people stiffing these hard working people and it drives me nuts.  I don't understand what people don't get that these individuals are working their tails off and make their $$ of your tips.  So I over tip, not every time, but most of the time to make up for the aholes that don't.  It's my own little way of paying it forward.  

I gave the Delta sky cap a $10 tip the other day and he thanked me no less than 10 times and then informed that people rarely tip anymore and when they do it is negligible.  I did it because the people in front of me took up 10 minutes of his time, were rude and didn't bother to give him a dollar.  This makes me sad.  

I also think that 20% should be the new standard for tipping.  As the cost of living increases so should our tips so I always tip between 20%-25%.  Next time you are out find out your valet's name, hand them a $5 bill and start paying it forward.  

These are just my random ramblings or the best advice no one will give you.  Happy Saturday!


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