For The Love of Pinterest

I have to tell you that I broke up with Pinterest...momentarily!  We are back together and better than ever. 

We parted ways because frankly I look at enough unimportant shizz on the internet and it was one more site for me to view.  I forgot during my months long hiatus how freaking amazing it is!!  I jumped back on this week and have been busy pinning :) 

I also think I made up with Pinterest because I am tightening the purse strings for the next couple of months.  I think it's a good thing as it is my own doing and not at the insistence or urging of the hubs. 

Saving money can be hard for me because I just feel like I'm putting it aside when I could be doing something super fun with it.  That whole saving for a rainy day thing never made much sense to me.  What finally has clicked for me is saving for something specific. 

So I am forgoing the new fold able Ray Bans, Lilly's dresses and Louboutin's to put it all in savings.  I have some things I am specifically saving for that and that makes it easier to resist shopping. 

The other thing that helps is Pinterest.  It gives me something to do besides online shopping and great inspiration for some of the things I'm saving for and what other site gives you such beautiful images?!

Happy Pinning!



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