The Best Advice No One Will Give You Part Deux
How are my lovely readers today?
I hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday and the week breezes by for you.
I got a lot of good responses about The Best Advice No One Will Give You. I also realized I had left out several important pieces of information. So here is the much anticipated follow up to the best advice no one will give you....but me :)
Enjoy! xoxo
1. People Are Going to Judge You and Talk About You Behind Your Back
This was something I struggled with for a long time! I never wanted anyone to think badly of me and I only wanted them to say nice things about me. The truth is we all judge (and we shouldn't) and we all gossip (and we shouldn't). You have to accept that from time to time people are go to say and think less than flattering things about you. It is ok and it is totally part of life.
You can't let what people say or think shake who you are as a person. You have to be strong, know yourself and accept this universal truth. The one thing we can all do to be nicer and gentler to each other is to try and minimize the shit talking just a bit. As women life is hard enough without us breaking each other down and being so hard on each other. So for every negative thought I have about someone I try to think of something positive about them. It isn't much but at least I'm trying.
2. Know People's Names
This is a great lesson that was taught to me by my sweet, funny friend Amy. She has taught me lots of lessons but the one that I will always remember is that she always remembers people's names. She is great at this in business but I learned this lesson when we were out to eat, at the nail place, etc.
Amy knows every one's names at her favorite restaurant, her favorite nail place and calls them by name and asks them about their families. She actually knows these people and they know her. I think she does it because that's who she is but also because it helps makes Atlanta feel more like a small town or a close knit community. I'm always in awe when we walk in somewhere and she acts like she's walking into Cheers, everyone knows her name.
I try to do this in my life and I do know the name of my favorite check out guy, Ron, and my favorite waiter at Goldbergs, Robbie, and my fav nail gal, Sue. I still have a long way to go and need to get my head out of the clouds and my blackberry and make more of an effort to get to know the people around me because it does make a difference to them and to you.
3. Weddings and Funerals
For better or worse this is when you find out who your friends are. These events separate the foe friends from the authentic friends. This is when you find out who will show up for you and be there for you and who will just talk about it. When you are going through either one of these experiences you assume certain people will be there for you and often times you are disappointed when they are not.
I experienced this during my own wedding and it forever changed the course of certain friendships. I am still friendly with these people but I got the message loud and clear that I wasn't as important to them as they are to me. This was a hurtful lesson to learn but an extremely valuable one. If someone isn't going to be there for you on your happiest day or on your hardest day that says something.
4. Return Your Shopping Cart (for the love of God)
This actually is one of the hubs biggest pet peeves! I will be honest with you that before we started dating I was the worst offender of not returning my shopping cart. It wasn't until we were grocery shopping one day and one of those loose carts that snakes around the parking almost hit a woman with a stroller did I realize how important this rule is.
I think why this is so important to the hubs is because he is all about common courtesy. He feels like we should all do things to be courtesy to one another (except when he's driving). His point to me is that it's rude to the other shoppers not to return the cart and more often times than not those lose carts can cause damage.
So folks you will see me and the hubs in parking lots gathering up lose carts and dragging them into the store because frankly it isn't that hard, doesn't take up that much time and in a tiny way I am paying it forward. So next time you are shopping help me out and return your shopping cart :)
I hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday and the week breezes by for you.
I got a lot of good responses about The Best Advice No One Will Give You. I also realized I had left out several important pieces of information. So here is the much anticipated follow up to the best advice no one will give you....but me :)
Enjoy! xoxo
1. People Are Going to Judge You and Talk About You Behind Your Back
This was something I struggled with for a long time! I never wanted anyone to think badly of me and I only wanted them to say nice things about me. The truth is we all judge (and we shouldn't) and we all gossip (and we shouldn't). You have to accept that from time to time people are go to say and think less than flattering things about you. It is ok and it is totally part of life.
You can't let what people say or think shake who you are as a person. You have to be strong, know yourself and accept this universal truth. The one thing we can all do to be nicer and gentler to each other is to try and minimize the shit talking just a bit. As women life is hard enough without us breaking each other down and being so hard on each other. So for every negative thought I have about someone I try to think of something positive about them. It isn't much but at least I'm trying.
2. Know People's Names
This is a great lesson that was taught to me by my sweet, funny friend Amy. She has taught me lots of lessons but the one that I will always remember is that she always remembers people's names. She is great at this in business but I learned this lesson when we were out to eat, at the nail place, etc.
Amy knows every one's names at her favorite restaurant, her favorite nail place and calls them by name and asks them about their families. She actually knows these people and they know her. I think she does it because that's who she is but also because it helps makes Atlanta feel more like a small town or a close knit community. I'm always in awe when we walk in somewhere and she acts like she's walking into Cheers, everyone knows her name.
I try to do this in my life and I do know the name of my favorite check out guy, Ron, and my favorite waiter at Goldbergs, Robbie, and my fav nail gal, Sue. I still have a long way to go and need to get my head out of the clouds and my blackberry and make more of an effort to get to know the people around me because it does make a difference to them and to you.
3. Weddings and Funerals
For better or worse this is when you find out who your friends are. These events separate the foe friends from the authentic friends. This is when you find out who will show up for you and be there for you and who will just talk about it. When you are going through either one of these experiences you assume certain people will be there for you and often times you are disappointed when they are not.
I experienced this during my own wedding and it forever changed the course of certain friendships. I am still friendly with these people but I got the message loud and clear that I wasn't as important to them as they are to me. This was a hurtful lesson to learn but an extremely valuable one. If someone isn't going to be there for you on your happiest day or on your hardest day that says something.
4. Return Your Shopping Cart (for the love of God)
This actually is one of the hubs biggest pet peeves! I will be honest with you that before we started dating I was the worst offender of not returning my shopping cart. It wasn't until we were grocery shopping one day and one of those loose carts that snakes around the parking almost hit a woman with a stroller did I realize how important this rule is.
I think why this is so important to the hubs is because he is all about common courtesy. He feels like we should all do things to be courtesy to one another (except when he's driving). His point to me is that it's rude to the other shoppers not to return the cart and more often times than not those lose carts can cause damage.
So folks you will see me and the hubs in parking lots gathering up lose carts and dragging them into the store because frankly it isn't that hard, doesn't take up that much time and in a tiny way I am paying it forward. So next time you are shopping help me out and return your shopping cart :)
Hi, I just came across your blog. I don't think I could have said #3 any better. It is a hard lesson to learn on your wedding day -- we probably went through similar experiences. My true friendships are so much more valuable and meaningful to me now. Thanks for your post.