What's What

How are my lovely, sassy readers today?! 

I am loving summer and relishing in colorful outfits, amazing TV and yummy cocktails.  For this edition of What's What I decided to share with you some of my favorite things.....right now. 



1.  Dallas

OMG I am love, love, loving Dallas on TNT are you?!  I am obsessed with the storyline, with the fact that old school Bobby and JR are back and with South Fork in general.  Not everyone loves summer TV but this gal does and I can't wait to see what happens next. 

2.  Lionel Richie Tuskegee

My BFF gave me the Lionel Richie Tuskegee CDs and I have been listening to them ever since!  I play them in my office all the time and it really helps keep me motivated :)  If you haven't heard this CD you need to download it ASAP.

3.  Make Your Own Havaianas

I love Havaianas so imagine my delight when I discovered you could make your own, custom pair!  You simply chose the height of the flop, the base color, the strap color and then pick your pins.  They are reasonably priced and the perfect summer accessory :)


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