What's In My Make Up Bag Now

Happy Monday Stinkers!  Could this weather be anymore depressing?  Ugh.  Rain, rain go away! 

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  I had a great, relaxing weekend at home and worked on some much needed projects. 

I hope you enjoy my latest project.....what's in my make up bag now!


1.  Sultra The Bombshell 1 inch

Ok so really the only hair tool I use on the regular is a hair dryer.  On occasion I will use hot rollers so I wasn't exactly sold on the sultra...at first.  The sultra is an amazing hair tool that heats up quickly and allows you to do several different styles of curls with your hair. 

I like you have watched girls on TV with these fantastic curls (Courtney Kerr, The Bachelorette, etc.) and wondered how they heck do they get their hair to look like that?  My curling iron doesn't do that.  The answer is the sultra!  I will warn you that it is expensive but it is worth the $$. 

I have baby fine hair and it is able to give me waves, curls like nothing else!  It doesn't take a long time either because the lil sucker gets HOT fast.  Give it a try and you won't be sorry!

2.  Elnett Satin Hairspray

L'oreal's Elnett hairspray is amazing!!  As I have said I have baby fine hair so finding a great hairspray is always a job for me.  I use Elnett when I want to be sure my hair will stay and that all my hard work creating curls with my Sultra was not in vain. 

I also love the way this hairspray smells!  I will warn you that a little bit goes a long way.  If you are looking for a great holding hairspray you have found it :) 

3.  Avalon Organics Rosemary Volumizing Shampoo

So I told all of you about avalon organics.  I hope you have tried their amazing line of Vitamin C products.  I use them religiously!  I also decided to try their shampoo and I am in heaven.  Their rosemary shampoo smells amazing and does a great job cleansing the scalp and giving you some volume. 

I also use their lemon clarifying shampoo and it has done wonders for my hair!  The best part to me is that you can find avalon organics at publix and they are very reasonably priced.  Give 'em try!

4.  Lorac Face SelfTANtalizer

Ok, ok don't freak out on me I know self tanner is scary but this isn't.  I have used self tanner before on my legs etc. and always wondered why no one ever did one for the face well now Lorac has! 

This is an amazing product that gives you a sun kissed look but you have to follow the directions!  A little bit goes a long way, be sure you thoroughly rub it into your face and give it time to set.  I found that it gives you truly flawless skin in a short amount of time and as an added bonus it didn't make me break out.  

For your next special event give this fab product a try!!


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