Cool Cat

How are all my readers today?

I, for one, am so excited to tell you about this latest project that the hubs has been working on.  I have been wanting to blog about it for months but I finally feel like the timing is right today. 

Over a year ago the hubs had an idea for a head and neck wrap.  If you know the hubs, you know, he has very fair skin so when we are out in the sun he is fully covered and under an umbrella and I'm out in the blazing sun soaking up every drop :)

He had this idea and I encouraged him to go for it, develop it and see what happens.  Over this past year he has truly lived every working girl rule (hee,hee) I have ever talked about.  He has believed in himself, had vision, seized opportunities, worked hard, learned a new business, kept his perspective, been resilient and never given up. 

This year has been about finding investors, coming up with a business plan, perfecting a product and a website.  It has taught us a ton about business and about each other and I truly consider this experience to be invaluable.  I am literally bursting with pride over his entrepreneurial spirit. 

What's even more exciting is I actually love this product and use it all the time.  I wear them at the beach and when I'm working out. 

Check out the website  to see me giving some live interviews (somehow after running a four mile race, with no make up the hubs convinced me to get on camera-that's true love) and see the amazing product! 

To the hubs (if you read this) you inspire me everyday to be better, be stronger and I thank God each day he brought us together!  Thank you for being who you and loving me and go cool cat!



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