Unfinished Business

How are you doing today? 

We are in sunny CA soaking up the sights and sun!  I couldn't be happier (I might never come home). 

Here's a little something I worked on before we left.  Enjoy!  xoxo

These past few weekends at home have been fantastic.  I feel like I have really been able to handle some unfinished business.  The hubs and I cleaned out the garage and storage closet and sold a lot of items on craigslist or donated them to goodwill.  Now I just have to convince the hubs that painting the garage will be a fun Saturday project :) 

I also got around to cleaning and organizing all my jewelry which can be a monumental task.  First and foremost because I have a lot of jewelry but secondly because I am kind of a slob about putting it away after I wear it.  I normally just open my jewelry box or jewelry drawer and throw the ring, bracelets etc. in.  This causes a jumbled mess after a few weeks.  So I am going to try and be better about putting things in their proper place....I gave it a day!

Finally I got around to the task that has been haunting me for almost 2 years!  Organizing all of our photos.  Thanks to my mother and my amazing photographer our wedding, wedding showers and honeymoon are very well chronicled.  Since then however I have been a huge slacker!

I am great at taking pics but not so great at uploading them, ordering them and putting them in albums.  So far the past year and half three beautiful empty albums have sat in my guest room.  I finally decided to tackle the task and it wasn't easy!  I spent about $100 on shutterfly (don't get me started) and when the pictures finally came in I got them all in albums.

Above is what my dining room table looked liked during my project.  Sadly I figured out (once I had all the pics in albums and had begun dating/labeling) that I have missed out on a few big events like our trip to LA etc.  I think I am just going to order this pics and put them in where I can. 

What I have learned by taking on this endeavor is that I should have started months ago, I will not put it off again (maybe) and I take a boat load of pictures.  The only thing getting me through this project is that it is unfinished business and unfinished business drives me crazy!  So even if it takes me 6 months I will get this project done. 

I know one day the hubs and I will cherish these albums and all my grunt work will be worth it.  For now I feel like my dining room table is mocking me and my procrastinating nature :)

Do you have any unfinished business/projects that are hounding you?  Or is it just me?



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