We're Going On A Trip.....

How are all my lovelies today?

I, for one, am trying to get back into somewhat of a routine.  This past week has been full of hospitals, hospice, tears, eating out, drinking wine, making arrangements, cleaning things out, looking at old pictures and being with my family constantly.  This past week is like a reel of moments in my mind but what will always stick out is that my dad, my mom, my sister and I were always together and there for each other.  I think Pete would have liked that and been proud that he was responsible for the four of us being together for almost a solid week.  

In the midst of all of this my parents are leaving in a few weeks for Europe and Matt and I are leaving for san fran/napa next week.  So there has been lots of talk of packing and what to take.  At some point this week I was able to sit down and fully edit what my mother was planning to take on her trip.  It actually made it a lot easier when I sat down to pack for myself.  

Here are some of my favorite items to take on a trip that no matter where you are going you will absolutely use.  

1.  A White Pashmina

No matter where we are going I always stick in my white pashmina.  I like it better than basic black and it actually will help keep off the night chill.  I taught my mom that trick this week and she was shocked at how it brightened up her night time options.  

2.  A Colorful Pair of Heels (or flats)

I always stick in my hot pick J.Crew heels when I travel.  They look great with black pants or jeans and a black blazer.  I even throw them on with a great navy dress or white jeans.  You can do the same with flats.  For my mom's Europe trip I tossed in some fabulous silver flats that she can wear with jeans or with her most dressy ensemble.  

3.  A Great Trench

I have two different trench coats that I love!  One more traditional that is khaki and belted and another that is short, grey, with some ruffles.  I normally pack the shorter trench for trips.  It packs well and goes great from day to night.  My mom opted for a longer version with a hood given where she is going is suppose to be a bit cooler.  

4.  One Pair of Uber Comfortable Shoes

My mom and I always opt to throw our rainbow flip flops in our bags when we travel.  No matter what happens this are by far my most comfortable pair of shoes that I own.  If my feet are even a little bit sore I throw them on for sight seeing or wandering through the hotel.  

5.  A Great Tuxedo Shirt

I love the look and feel of a button down blouse.  It makes you look pulled together in a snap.  I throw in a tuxedo shirt to wear with black pants or jeans or even a pencil skirt.  I actually encouraged my mom to take two on her trip given the length of time they are staying and I just think it is the best way to get dressed up when you travel.  


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