What's What

I hope you are all having a fabulous week!  I am super excited to have another weekend at home (it is our third one in a row and I'm in heaven).  I have been able to get a ton of stuff done around the house and am finally feeling caught up. 

Enjoy your Thursday my pretties (and what's what)!  xoxo

1.  Classy Girls Wear Pearls

Is the cutest blog!  I love, love her outfit choices and she wears unique, reasonably priced items and puts them together in a very creative way.  I love all the jewelry she wears (of course).  Check her out at http://www.classygirlswearpearls.com/

2.  Gloss 48

You have to check out Gloss 48 if you haven't already!  It's a cross between sephora and gilt.  Basically they get amazing beauty products at a bargain and pass the savings on to you.  It is a great site with new and unique items I have never tried before and I love to try new beauty products.  Check them out at http://gloss48.com/gloss-48-home-page

3.  ILY Couture

Is the absolute cutest jewelry site.  I am loving their big, chunky statement necklaces in bold colors.  I also love that they handmake every piece (so shipping might take a bit longer).  I feel like I could wear one of these very day of the week! 

Check them out at http://www.ilycouture.com/Default.asp


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