My Make Up Bag

Hello lovelies!  How are you today?

I have to tell you that my make up bag runneth over literally!  Last week the zipper gave out on me and this is after transferring my brushes and other tools to a smaller bag.  I did this for organizational reasons and sanitary ones. 

To no avail my make up bag finally cried uncle and I had to go on the hunt for a new one!  I can't just run up to target and grab one (believe me I tried) because I require a lot of my make up bag.  First and foremost I like for it to be washable (it goes back to that sanitary thing).  I also like for it to have different compartments so I can separate the lip items from the eye items etc.  Can you say anal?

Anyway I finally found what I was looking for at pottery barn!  I am loving this make up bag and I know it will stand the test of time and my ever growing make up collection.

While I was in the mode of organizing my ever expanding make up collection I also decided it was time to clean my make up brushes.  I do this about every 3 months and should really do it more!  I use warm, soapy water to clean them and then set them upright to air dry. 

Ladies here is a great piece of advice from me to you don't neglect your make up bag and brushes!  Having a super cute make up bag makes getting ready more fun and having clean brushes helps prevent break outs and bacteria. 



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