
Happy Day This and Thatters!  How are you?

I've been thinking a lot lately about stepping out on faith and seeking a relationship with God.  (if this isn't your thing you might want to stop reading now, just giving you fair warning)

On my computer I have two bible verses Jeremiah 29:11-13 and 2 Timothy 3:14-15.  While they are different verses their message is the same, have faith and seek him first. 

My favorite line is in the Jeremiah verse "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart."  I love that line because to me it means seeking him with completeness.  Not saying a prayer on a whim like I do all day every day.  I catch myself saying "please God don't let me hit my husband's truck"  "please God give me the energy to get out of this bed"  "please God let me make it to this meeting on time"

I find myself seeking God but normally when it is convenient for me and normally when I need something in a hurry.  I know however that to have that type of relationship He wants with me and I want with him I do have to commit my whole heart to it. I can't call on him in emergencies or when I feel bad or when I'm scared.  Just like any relationship I need to spend time with God, talk to Him and make Him a part of every aspect of my life. 

What I realized today is that I need to be better about seeking Him.  Seeking His advice, His comfort, His strength, His praise and His love.  I need to be actively engaged in creating a relationship with God and that begins by seeking Him in all things, with all my heart.

I also discovered that I am seeking balance (aren't we all).  Balance in having a strong relationship with Him, myself, the hubs and my family and friends.  Balance at work and at home.  Balance in finding time to do the things that nourish my soul vs the things that have to get done.  Balance in making time for me and the things that I need to feel whole. 

So today I am seeking God with all of my heart and asking for help with balance.  Asking with my whole heart for help in making my life happy, sustainable, peaceful, fruitful and yes balanced. 

I don't know what you are seeking today but I do know that God is with you while you are doing it.  And that my friends is pretty awesome.



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