"You Have To Do What I Tell You"

Ok this and theaters it is confession time....I sometimes don't follow directions!  Yikes.

For the most part I am a person who follows directions and does exactly what I am told.  The hubs laughs at me because he constantly tells me that I don't have to get my oil changed on the exact date the little sticker says, I don't have to throw out the milk on the exact date (if it smells ok), you get the idea.  I do what I am told.

Sadly I don't always do this when it comes to what the doc says....I'm praying I'm not the only one.  As you may know I have recently hurt my foot and am walking around in a boot...yes a huge boot :)  

Unfortunately I started experiencing some pain last night and a lot of the bruising hasn't gone away.  I called the doc this morning and by coincidence his name is Dr. Womack.  He is very nice and no nonsense and when I told him what I was experiencing he asked me if I still had the green sheet that gave me all the directions on how to care for my foot.  I responded that I did and then he asked "did you read it?"  Ha!  What a smart ass I love it :)

I laughed and said I did.  He replied that there was a simple solution "you have to do what I tell you!"  So basically I have to elevate my foot, ice it and follow directions.  This is hard because it requires me to work from home.  I don't mind working from home that much but it can be a little isolating (can I get an Amen from my peeps that always work from home?).  

I get a lot done working from home as no one is stopping by my office to chat, I don't go out for lunch and I being working at about 7 a.m. and don't stop until about 6 p.m.  All in all I think if you work from home you work a heck of a lot more than people give you credit for!  

So for today I am camped out with my foot elevated, iced and my computer on my lap.  I've already gotten a ton done today and it is only 10 a.m.!  I'm going to try very hard to follow directions as I don't want to wear this boot for one day longer than I have to as it is seriously cramping my style (walking and fashion wise).  

I'm praying I can follow directions, get better and move on bootless.  For today I am going to do what I am told and take care of me, even though that is very hard for me.  I think that's why I'm not great at following the doc's directions.  It's easy for me to take care of other people what I'm not so great at is taking care of me.  Now that is profound...for a cloudy Tuesday!  

So today if you need me I will be propped up on the couch, working, healing and taking care of number one...wish me luck!



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