
Happy Saturday this and thatters!

What are you doing today?  Are you football watching, cleaning, running around to birthday parties?

Today isn't your typical Saturday for me or my family.  Today is the day we are burying my grandfather, Pete.  We had to wait to do his service for a number of reasons (that I won't bore you with) and now it is here. 

I keep thinking how much he would have loved that all of us were in Foley and all of us were together.  He would have loved that it is a beautiful, warm day and the sun is shining.  He would love that after the service we are all going to have a meal (and some adult beverages) and tell stories about him. 

In planning his service I kept thinking what would make Pete proud?  What would he want done?  I hope we will make him proud today.  I hope he sees all of us gathered in his honor and I hope he is smiling down on us.  Most of all I hope today heals my heart a little bit.  I hope that today is a happy time, celebrating a great man. 

I hope today for you is a good one, filled with love, laughter and fun!  I hope you make today the best day yet and you live it to the fullest.  I will be doing that today in honor of Pete and his memory.



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