The Fog

Happy Saturday readers!  Are you excited for game day?  If you are a UGA fan or a UF fan I know you are.  Hunker down you hairy dawgs and beat those gators (is all I have to say)!!

I got up early this morning, went for a run, had a cup of tea and got to thinking about existing vs living.  It's something I think about a lot.  I know there are times when we all just go through the motions and do what has to be done.  I equate it to walking around in a fog.  

You are there and things are really happening but you aren't truly present for them.  I think (at least I hope) this happens to all of us from time to time.  We check out because life is too hard, too overwhelming, too raw or too uncomfortable to deal with.  We head into the fog without realizing we are until we've come out the other side.  

I have to tell you I resent the fog!  I look back on the times when I've just existed as a loss of precious time/days/memories.  I love being present, feeling connected and being happy (don't we all).  

But I have to tell you I think we need the fog.  I think it's our body and soul way of protecting us or helping us through a difficult time.  It is a coping mechanism that we all employ when we need it most.  I can't feel too bad about that.  

The hubs and I had a long talk this week, one of those talks that you need to have but both of you put off because quite frankly it's uncomfortable, and I have to tell you while it was hard it was much needed.  See the hubs can break through my fog like no one else and make me realize that it's time to move on, not just exist anymore and be ok with whatever happens next.  

As hard as it was I'm glad we talked and the hubs was able to snap me out of my funk, like only he can :)  I'm glad that we are strong enough to say the hard things and then hug each other and move on when it's over.  

And as much as I hate to admit it I'm grateful for the disconnected, going through the motion times.  While they aren't the most exhilarating moments, they are moments none the less and deserve to be honored and cherished.  

I hope whatever your going through you have someone(s) there for you for the good and the bad times.  To help you celebrate, help you mourn, help you cope, help you live and help you remember that it really is a good life!  xoxo


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