What's What

Happy Day my lovely readers!  

How are you?  Sorry I have been a little slack about blogging this week but I've been slammed with work, going out of town, all things cool-cat and enjoying fall.  

I hope this edition of what's what makes up for my absence!  


1.  Real Clear Politics

With all things politics riveting the world I thought I would tell you about one of my favorite sites right now.  It is called real clear politics.  It gathers the best bi-partisan articles, polls etc. and puts them in one easy, digestible place.  If you are interested in what's going on with all things politics check out real clear politics!


2.  Tazo Zen Tea

I am currently obsessed with drinking tea (I'm working on my caffeine habit).  My favorite right now is tazo's zen tea!  I drink it all the time at home and love picking it up at Starbucks.  Give it a try and you will be a devotee for sure!

3.  Homeland

So the best show you aren't watching is HOMELAND!  A friend told me and the hubs about it and we watched the entire first season in 3 days.  We are now highly addicted to the second season.  If you get Showtime be sure to tune in and if you don't get Showtime, order it, because if you aren't watching Homeland you are missing out!  


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