Dear Emily

Dear Emily,

You are officially 1 year old!!  I cannot even believe it.  I'm not sure how or where this past year went.  You are absolutely a character!  You have a temper and are strong willed but I love that about you.  I am trying to teach you when things are dangerous without impacting your strong will.

One of the nurses told me in the hospital that you would tell me what you needed and she was right.  You absolutely tell me it just sometimes takes me a while to listen.  Since we moved your napping schedule hasn't been ideal.  It took a lot of time but I finally realized that you were ready for just one nap a day!  You are doing beautifully and taking a 2-3 hour nap a day which really helps mommy and daddy.

You don't love dairy, ha!  Whole milk isn't your friend so mommy is working on other options for you.  You are still loving your formula so for now that is what we are going to stick with!

You still only have two bottom teeth but you are actually working on your top fang (is that an incisor) if you can believe it?!  I figure you will look perfect for Halloween. :)

You are a bit shy and unsure of strangers and I'm going to let you be.  I am sitting back and letting you be exactly who you want to be.  I've thought about forcing it or tried other tactics but instead I've decided to meet you where you are.  If you want to be clingy, that's ok!  There will be a day when I will have to beg you for a hug.  Or you will live miles away and I can't hug you.  So for now I'm going to embrace who you are and where you are.

Emily you are so close to walking!!  You take one or two steps alone but then immediately sit down, ha.  I know in the next few weeks you are going to be on the go.  I'm so excited for this next phase but I am a tiny bit sad as it means you are getting to be more of a toddler.

When I was bathing you tonight and wrapping you up in your big fluffy towel afterwards you looked like a little baby again.  It brought tears to my eyes remembering when you were my little 3 month old nugget.

I thank God everyday for you and your health.  I thank Him for letting me be your mother and for all the blessings He has given us.

I am beyond thankful to witness you becoming your own little person and it is my greatest blessing in life to be a witness to it.

I love you to the moon and back!



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