The Confessional

Hello lovelies!!  I hope you are having a fantastic day.  I'm trying to get us ready for all things fall and that includes decorating the house and carving pumpkins.  I hope you are enjoying the season as well!  

I also hope you enjoy The Confessional.


1.  Most days my house looks like we are running a daycare.  There are toys everywhere and pacifiers absolutely everywhere.  Emily likes to leave them along the hall and in various rooms.  When she sees a new/different one she immediately drops the one in her mouth and gets the one she just discovered.  

It's hard for my type A, OCD personality to let it go but I do.  I let her go full out all day and clean up when the day is done.  I will confess when she's napping I do try to get some order back but it is pretty much fruitless.  

So I'm learning to let go one toy at a time :)

2.  Cooking makes me happy.  It isn't always that way and I definitely go through phases with wanting to cook.  There are times when I'm just as content to go out to dinner, make sandwiches or eat cereal for dinner.  Lately, I have been on a big cooking kick.  I don't know if it's the weather or being in a new house but we have been eating a lot of home cooked meals lately.  The hubs is in heaven!

Cooking also gives me that sense of control that I crave.  I feel like if I follow the steps of a recipe then more or less a yummy meal is produced.  On my worst days you will find me in the kitchen knee deep in pots and pans.  Proceed with caution :)

3.  I wait a really long time to organize our photos and put them in albums.  I do the same with Em's baby book.  I'm trying to get better about it because when I finally sit down to do it I'm in HELL!  Ugh it takes forever and I end up hating it.  The only silver lining is that when I'm done the hubs flips through and says "this is awesome".  

Am I the only person that does this?!  Ha!  I hope not.

4.  Getting your body back after a baby isn't a joke.  I'm thankful for all the runs and long walks I've been on lately.  I've always exercised and it brings me a lot of peace and a sense of accomplishment. Even though it's a hard road to try and get back to some semblance of the weight you were before it's worth the effort.  

Nothing worth anything comes easy!  So I'm going to keep on exercising and working hard...and I'm going to try and ignore that annoying number on the scale :)


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