What's What

Hello all my beautiful readers!!  I hope you and yours are enjoying the fall weather and football games.  I, also, hope you enjoy this edition of what's what!


1.   Juliska Colette China

I love, love my juliska berry and thread white everyday china!  However I've been needing a little color in my life.  Enter the amazing juliska colette china.  I love, love these plates!!  They are just what I'm needing to spice up our everyday china!  These are going on my Christmas list for sure (and yes I still give my mom a Christmas list).  

2. Coveted Things Swaddles

I love giving people unique, fun baby gifts that they may not know they need, ha!  I died when I saw these hilarious and super cute swaddles from coveted things.  This will be my next go to baby gift!

3.  Yosi Samra Flats

I die for a great pair of comfy, stylish flats.  Since becoming a mom I live in flats and flip flops.  I can't hang in heels like I use too....sad!  However when I find a great line like Yosi Samra I get so excited.  I really love these flats and you will too!!  The ones below are my absolute fav. 


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