What's What

Happy Weekend lovelies!!  

I hope you and yours are soaking up this amazing fall weather!  We have a weekend with zero plans and I couldn't be more excited.  

I hope you enjoy this edition of what's what!


1.  Wisteria

I love looking for items for our house!  I like slowly collecting things and then seeing how they come together.  I stumbled upon Wisteria's website and fell in love with pretty much everything!  I love their accessories and lighting.  Check them out and you won't be sorry.


2.  C. Salt Collections

I have been drooling over several amazing bracelets from C. Salt Collections.  You can find her pieces on her Facebook page just type c.salt collections in the search box or at Poppy's in Atlanta.  I love how unique her pieces are and how you can layer them together.  The owner also does trunk shows and I'm thinking I might need to have one!  In the mean time I will be ordering some amazing bracelets for fall.

3.  Joel Osteen Radio on Sirius XM

Y'all know I love my Sirius radio!  I listen to it non-stop.  Recently they have been advertising Joel Osteen radio.  Yes my friends he has his own radio station on XM (Channel 128) and I'm hooked.  

The hubs thought I was kidding at first but it is the only thing I've been listening to lately.  He may not be your cup of tea and that's totally fine but for me there is nothing better than hearing a positive message when I'm coming and going.  I feel like he gets that it's hard to live life sometimes but that shouldn't stop us from becoming who we are meant to be and thanking God for this life.  

If you're having a down day, bad day or just a blah day I encourage you to tune in!  I bet you will be in a better mood before it's over :)


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