New Years Resolutions

Happy New Years Day lovelies!!  I hope you had a great NYE and your head isn't hurting too bad :)  


1.  New Years Resolutions

I know we are all thinking about our New Years Resolutions.  I am cooking a classic New Years meal and then the hubs and I are going to discuss our resolutions.  Mine aren't going to be anything earth shattering this year.  I truly want to have authentic, attainable goals that make me a better person, wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.  

I saw this article a few day ago and I think the author hits the nail on the head!  I love the idea of being nice to yourself, crossing things of your bucket list and putting families first.  

No matter what you decide I hope 2015 is your best year yet!

Click here!

2.  Reading The Bible In a Year

I have often heard about books that will guide you through reading the Bible in one year.  A few days ago I started doing some research and found a great book that I instantly purchased.  I loved that it was geared towards women, that it gives you a weekly reading plan and motivational quotes.  

I am so excited to start this book and to accomplish a goal that I have thought about doing for many years (one resolution down)!  I know there will be good weeks and bad weeks but I'm not going to worry about it.  I'm going to do the best I can and be nice to myself through the process.

3.  Couch to 5k

I did the awesome couch to 5k program this summer and it was amazing.  It got me moving 3 days a week in a real, meaningful way.  Lately I have been missing structure and discipline in my workout regimen.  I'm working out but it's hit or miss in it's intensity and duration.  I decided this week to start the program again and I'm so glad.  

It's going to be harder to do this time as Emily isn't as little and won't sleep the whole time.  In fact she cried for most of the time on my first day.  I pushed through and she was fine!  She just doesn't want to be in the stroller anymore.  So it's going to take some juggling, more treadmill runs and commitment but I'm on board.  I've already signed the hubs and I up for a 5k!  


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