Keeping It Positive

Happy Holidays sweet readers!  I hope you are having a great holiday season.  I know it's hard to keep your perspective right now because of the mile long to do list you are facing.  

I will tell you that I have gotten overwhelmed a few times here and there.  Have you?!  I have to tell you that a few things are helping me keep my perspective these days and I hope they help you too.  



1.  Sweet Friends

So during this hectic time of trying to do everything and be everything I have some super sweet friends who are there always reminding me of what's important.  I  believe true friends who are always there, always consistent are few and far between (in my experience).  These friends are amazing during the holiday season.  They remind you of what's important, don't make you feel guilty, are always consistent in how they treat you and love you unconditionally.  To these friends I thank you, I love you more than you know and you are my best gift this holiday season.  

2.  Self Care

I have to tell you that books everywhere preach, especially parenting book, self care!  Taking time to take care of yourself as a parent, partner, human being is the best thing you can do for yourself.  Unfortunately it is the hardest thing you can do because it is the first thing you stop doing when your to do list is a mile long.  Taking care of yourself takes effort, can make you ask others for help and often times takes you away from doing what you think you should be doing.  I will say all of that doesn't matter...just do it!  Just do whatever it takes to take care of yourself, no matter what it is.  

3.  Wine

So It is a long standing joke with those close to me that a glass of wine solves all my problems!  Ha :)  I wish it did it would make life so much easier.  The truth is that having a glass of wine (or three) at night and reading or taking a bath or watching TV is how I relax.  It's how I find my balance after a long day.  The hubs laughs that it's just my thing.  When things are melting down around us he will pour me a glass of wine and pat me on the back and say it's going to be ok.  Ha!  He's right because it really is going to be ok.  


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