What's What

Happy Saturday readers!!  I hope you and yours had a fantastic week and are gearing up for the holidays.  

Until then enjoy this edition of what's what.


1.  Friday Nights In

I have a confess to make I love Friday nights in!  No plans, no rules and nothing to do sounds heavenly doesn't it?!  After a crazy week there's nothing I love more than ordering in and relaxing.  

Last night the hubs had guys night and Em wanted to go to bed early (I swear) so I had the whole evening to myself.  I loved catching up on reality tv, eating pizza and spoiling Mae.  It was just the reset button I needed :)

2.  The Better Sweater

I love a great sweater, cardigan combo you can throw on over jeans or black pants to finish off your outfit.  I saw this amazing sweater the other day on Nordstrom.com and was super excited it was on sale.  It comes in fabulous colors but I opted for black.  I know I will wear it all the time.

3.  J.Crew Sale

If you have been wanting anything from J.Crew now is the time!  They are having an amazing sale right now.  I snagged some great items I have been drooling over!


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