When You Get Your Feelings Hurt

Hey sweet readers!  How are you today?!  I apologize for being gone for a few days but read below and you will see why.


I have been really wrestling with this idea of when people hurt your feelings.  How do you handle it?  What do you say?  Do you say anything?  

Have you ever struggled with this?

A few days ago I was buying my friend a baby gift.  I was wondering what she might want and so I searched for a registry   She didn't have one which isn't that unusual with a second child.  I went over to Babies R Us and bought her a gift I would want in her shoes.  

As soon as I did I thought on no did I miss something?!  Maybe she did say what she wanted somewhere else.  So I went to her Facebook page to see if she had alluded to anything she might want.  What I found was her having a baby shower with our group of friends.  

I felt like I had been punched in  the stomach.  This same group of friends offered to give me a baby shower when I was pregnant.  I declined.  As my doctor was pretty strict with me when I was pregnant.  I had one big baby shower as she didn't want me on my feet more than I needed.  I invited this same group of friends and no one attended.  And I got it and was totally ok with it.  

When I saw the FB post I immediately got my feelings hurt and got pretty upset.  The hubs in his infinite wisdom calmed me down immediately.  He let me feel how I needed to feel but he also reminded me that true, blue friends don't set out to hurt you.  And when they do they acknowledge the hurt and you move on.  He reminded me that if they were upset with me about something it was up to them to bring up to me, have the conversation and keep being friends.  

The most important thing he reminded me of is that people make you feel how you let them. That giving away your joy is the most powerful thing you can do....so don't do it.  

Don't get me wrong I don't think this group of friends consciously set out to hurt me but I also don't think they cared enough to include me.  They made a very conscious choice to leave me out of a special event and then post it on Facebook.  

So now I have a choice....I can let it upset me and leave a scar on my heart or I can forgive them and let it go.  I can make the decision to move on and not sweat the small stuff. 

I get an amazing opportunity each day to be happy!  To select joy over pain or hurt.  And in this season I pick joy.  I make the conscious choice to not let people steal joy.  

I hope in this life that can be hard, messy and sometimes difficult you pick joy!  I hope when people hurt you, even deeply to your core, you pick joy.  It is the hardest choice sometimes but the most worthwhile.  


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