What's What

Happy Saturday this and thatters!  I hope you and yours are having a fantastic weekend.


1.  Holiday Party Wear

Is it just me or is trying to find something to wear to holiday parties hard?  I feel like everything  is so casual these days.  I'm not going to walk into Christmas parties in a ball gown but I still want to look dressy and appropriate.  

I have found a few options I'm considering this holiday season that I think would be fun and festive!

Devon Baer Top

How cute is this top?!  I fell in love with it.  I think it would look amazing paired with leggings are black skinny jeans depending on the party.  

Click here!

Top Shop Fur Vest

I love the idea of throwing on a fur vest over a simple black outfit to make it more fun!  I will definitely being do this with my top shop vest.  I love the simplicity of it and how it allows you to be more playful with make up and jewelry.

Click here!

Annie Griffin Quinn Blouse

I really love how fun and colorful this top is!  I also feel like you could easily dress it up or down depending on your event.  

Click here!

2.  Christmas Cards

I am a huge fan of Christmas, who isn't?!  My favorite part of the season is how amazingly happy, cheery and welcoming people are.  Just the other night my sweet sis-in-law hosted over 30 adults and kids to her house for pizza before the amazing Christmas Parade.  It made me so happy to be around all these folks on a random Thursday.

My absolute favorite part of Christmas time is CHRISTMAS CARDS!!  I never check the mail usually but during Christmas I check the mail each and every day.  It makes me so happy to open cards and see my friends and family smiling back at me.  I love seeing kids grow up, beautiful sunsets and family portraits.  You name it I love it.  I always give my Christmas cards I prominent display because I love, love seeing them!

3.  Thank You

I want to say a big thank you to all my readers who messaged me, commented on my Facebook post etc. about my post from Wednesday.  Sometimes I really question if I should share things or put everything out on the table in this space.  I wrestle with it often and I hope I make the right choices.  

From your overwhelming support, kind words and similar experiences it appears sharing was the right thing to do.  I feel better and am in a happy space about the situation.  Everyone has asked if the "group of girls" has reached out to me and they have not.  I have no idea if they read my blog either.  I'm completely ok with not hearing from them I've made my peace with the situation.

The one thing I do wish is that we as women would lift each other up!  That we wouldn't mean girl each other ever but especially not as mature, logical adults.  That when we feel the tendency to be a mean girl that we check ourselves, before we wreck ourselves (or other people).  

Being a parent to a daughter makes this more important to me than ever!  I don't want Emily to grow up in a world where people bully each other.  I know that isn't realistic but a mother can dream.  Knowing she will eventually face this is heart breaking.  I hope I can guide her through it and I hope the hurt is temporary.  I hope that she is strong and doesn't let other people determine how she feels about herself.  I hope that my love and support will be enough during those hard times.  


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